Frequently Asked Questions
Can I earn Continuing Education (CPE) credit for watching Tax Talk Today?
YES. CPE credit is offered, but must be purchased.
Is there a charge to receive CPE credits?
YES. You can choose to purchase CPE credit from a variety of available packages.
When do CPE credits purchased expire?
All CPE credits expire 12 months from the date of purchase, unless specifically stated otherwise.
Do CPE Viewers need to provide Tax Talk Today with their PTIN?
YES. First, register with Tax Tax Today if you have not already done so. Then, enter your PTIN into your Profile by going to "My TTT" in the top menu bar. Click on "Edit My Profile" and scroll down to enter your PTIN in the box provided.
Will Tax Talk Today report my CPEs earned to the IRS?
YES. We will report your CPEs earned directly to the IRS using your PTIN, first and last name, and the number of CPEs earned.
Do I need to register for each program?
NO. You only need to register once to get access to all programs. You will receive an email prior to a live program that contains a link to view the Live (Group-Internet Based) broadcast. You can also access live broadcasts using the link that appears on the Tax Talk Today home page on the day of a program.
Can I view the program if I am not available during the time of the Live (Group-Internet Based) Internet broadcast?
YES. Each program is available in QAS Self Study format within 24 hours after a live broadcast. Go to QAS Self Study Programs. To qualify for a CPE certificate you need to complete the 10 or 15 question test with score of 70% or higher. Tests will appear at the end of each self study program. To get started, click on the "View Archived QAS Self Study Program FOR CPE Credit" link.
How do I watch the Live (Group-Internet Based) program?
On the day of a live program, either log into your account and click the link on the program page, or click the link in the email sent to you the day before the program. To ensure you receive the link email add [email protected] to your address book or whitelist so that emails from us are not marked as spam or junk.
What device do I need to watch the live or archived programs?
You can access live and archived programs on any device that supports HTML 5 content using Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer browsers, such as smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers.
Important: To earn CPE credits you must click on the confirmation button during the Live (Group-Internet Based) programs, you will be required to click on the confirmation button 3 times per credit hour to qualify for the CPE attendance requirements. The button will appear at random throughout the broadcast.
What do I need to supply to Tax Talk Today to ensure that my CPE credits are reported correctly to the IRS?
- You need to register on the site and complete your profile page, including your PTIN. Then, view the Live (Group-Internet Based) or archived QAS Self Study programs.
- If viewing the Live (Group-Internet Based) programs, you will be required to click on the confirmation button 3 times per credit hour. The button will appear at random throughout the broadcast.
- If viewing the Archives for QAS Self Study, you must pass the on-line test found on the programs page.
- You must purchase CPE credits (these can be purchased here).
- Lastly, you must download your CPE Certificate of Completion. To download your certificate, log in to the Tax Talk Today site, go to "My TTT" menu, select "My Certificates", click in the right column across from the program name on the text "Download PDF Apply Credit". This will download and award your certificate as a PDF file.
When I view an archived QAS Self Study program for CPE credit, which year does the credit apply; the year when the program was first broadcast or the year when I view it?
Your CPE credit is applied in the year that you watch the Archived program, irrespective of the year of the original broadcast.
Where can I find resource materials and transcripts for programs?
Each program has downloadable resources related to the program topic. On the program page, click on the link labeled "View Program Resources and Transcripts". Transcripts are available 24 - 48 hours after a Live (Group-Internet Based) program.
What do I need to do to watch the Live (Group-Internet Based) program as a group if some viewers want to receive CPE credit?
When a group is watching a Live (Group-Internet Based) program together and some or all individuals want to receive CPE credit, we are required by NASBA to record their email addresses. Each person requesting CPE credit must register and purchase CPE credits prior to viewing or at a later date.
On the day of the program the group leader should log in and go to the Program page. A special link will appear on the program page 90 minutes before program starts.
Steps to follow:
- ONE individual from the group should enter the email addresses of all individuals that want to receive CPE credits before viewing starts.
- The email addresses entered must match exactly with their registered "My Tax Talk Today" account, so please confirm with your viewers before entering.
- If they do not have an account, you must still enter an email address for those that want to earn CPE credit; they will be emailed information on how to register and purchase CPE credits.
- It is very important that the leader of the group makes sure to click on the Confirmation button which will appear several times during the live program as a confirmation of viewing. This tracking will apply to all users entered and is required to earn CPE credits.
Do I need to register for each program?
NO. You only need to register ONCE and you can view all the programs. You will receive an email from us prior to the program that contains a link to the Live (Group-Internet Based) program. Or you can go to the Tax Talk Today home page on the day of the program.
What do I need to do to watch an archived QAS Self Study program?
First, register with Tax Tax Today if you have not already done so. Click on "Programs" on the top menu and then select "QAS Self Study" to view an archived program. You can access live and archived programs on any device that supports HTML 5 content using Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer browsers, such as smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers.
I don't want CPE credits does it cost anything to just to watch or view the programs?
YES. There is a small fee for View-Only Subscriptions (No CPEs earned).
What is a View-Only Subscription Package?
It is necessary for non-CPE credit viewers to Buy a View-Only Subscription Package (Purchase does not include CPE Credit).
- If a viewer does not have unused CPE credits in their account it will be necessary to purchase a View-Only Subscription package.
- New registrants can view One Free Program (No CPE credit) before subscribing.
- You will be able to view all Live and Archived programs for 12 months from the date of your purchase.
- If you decide to purchase CPE credits after making a View-Only subscription purchase, we will credit your applicable CPE package at $6.50/CPE credit, to a maximum of $100.00 on a 15 CPE package.
Course Update Policy
Program content will be up-to-date and will adhere to all IRS, NASBA, and CTEC requirements for CPE credits.
Refund Policy
Purchased credits that have not been earned are refundable before the stated expiration date at the time of purchase. Refunds will be pro-rated on the purchase price per credit hour that was originally acquired. There will be a $20 cancellation fee assessed to every refund.
View-Only Subscriptions expire 12 months from the date of purchase. No refunds will be made for View-Only Subscription purchases.
Program Cancellation Policy
Tax Talk Today may, at its discretion, cancel or replace a previously announced program with a program of similar content. Tax Talk Today will make every effort to provide sufficient notification of a change of title or cancellation. Tax Talk Today will provide a refund for the purchase of CPE credit only in those cases where a cancellation has occurred and no substitute program is provided.
Record Retention Policy
Tax Talk Today will hold in its database the following information for a period of five (5) years:
- Name of Applicant
- Address
- E-mail Address
- Daytime Phone Number
- Course Title the CPE credit was applied for
- Certificate of Attendance
Complaint Resolution
Tax Talk Today will resolve complaints or answer questions regarding Tax Talk Today programs or CPE Certification questions in a professional and timely manner. For the fastest response, please email your concerns.
What is the status of the OTRP CE requirement?
According to the IRS, continuing education is not currently mandatory for tax return preparers. Participation in education programs is voluntary. See IRS Annual Filing Season Program (AFSP) explanation.
Is Tax Talk Today an approved IRS Continuing Education Provider for EAs and OTRPs?
YES, Tax Talk Today is an IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider for EAs and OTRPs.
Tax Talk Today has developed programs to enable viewers to earn 15 CPE credits.
- 2 Hours on Ethics
- 3 Hours on Federal Tax Law Updates
- 10 Hours on Federal Tax Law
Is Tax Talk Today approved for NASBA QAS Self Study?
YES, All states that accept NASBA sponsored CPE credits also accept Tax Talk Today CPE credits for watching the show Live (Group-Internet Based) via the Internet and for QAS Self Study programs.
Tax Talk Today, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
What states accept Tax Talk Today for CPE credit?
All states that accept NASBA sponsored CPE credits also accept Tax Talk Today CPE credits for watching the show Live (Group-Internet Based) via the Internet and for QAS Self Study programs. In addition, this program is also approved for CPE credit by:
- California Tax Education Council - CTEC
- Oregon State Board of Tax Practitioners
- New York State Education Department, State Board for Public Accountancy (Sponsor #001815)
- Texas State Board of Public Accountancy (Sponsor ID 009525)
- Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation (License No. 158.002556)
If I have questions about the website how can I get in touch?
You can mail, or email. Click here for contact information.